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We are consultants for block management, green space management and development companies and can provide management plans to manage your trees and green spaces, tree reports for insurance purposes and ecological reports for planning and managing purposes. We can also provide designs and consultancy for private gardens. Our full range of green space consultancy includes:

Green Space Management Plans

We can provide you with fully costed plans for your trees and green spaces which help to budget and spread costs over several years to ensure sound financial management and also good management practise for your trees and green spaces.

Tree Reports

We can provide you with tree reports for insurance purposes.

Green Space Design

We can provide you with detailed designs for any green space


Ecological Consultancy

Our fully qualified ecological consultants can provide you with a range of ecological

reports for planning and management purposes including:

Bat surveys

Breeding bird Surveys

Entomological Surveys

Phase 1 Habitat Surveys

Green Space Bioblitz Surveys

Bird and Wildlife reports

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Bird and Wildlife Reports

As part of our community work we also compile and edit Bird Reports for the Beddington Farmlands Nature Reserve project and The Azores Bird Club.

For more details of our community work see



   23, Wood Street, Hackbridge, Surrey CR4 4JT

                       020 8287 0543

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